About Us
The club is friendly and supportive of its membership. We have coaches to teach you how to fence and get the best out of the sport whether it be for fencing for fitness and fun or for serious fencers striving towards sporting excellence representing the club at various competitions.There is an active Youth League for children and teenagers in Yorkshire from the Under10’s to the Under 14’s which gives them a taste of fencing in competitions.
This can be a sport for all the family and everyone is welcome.
We provide weapons and protective clothing. Wear comfortable long trousers, T-shirt, trainers and bring a bottle of water.

The New Fencer – What to expect
The new fencer should arrive at the venue, wearing comfortable clothing, including long trousers, to enable the taking part in a sporting activity. Bring a bottle of water. The sessions are usually 2 hours with a break after an hour.
After being introduced to the Instructors, and signing the registration form, the student will be equipped with the Sword Fencing Dress, Jacket, Mask, Gauntlet and Weapon of choice.
There follows a safety brief, an Instructor will introduce the student to basic sword fencing moves, as part of a 4 week introductory course. In the first session, depending on the students’ progress, there may be the opportunity of a supervised fencing bout with fellow students.
For students progressing beyond the Introductory course, Doncaster Fencing Club runs further training sessions for all participants.
The Club runs a structured class lesson 7pm to 8pm, when a short rest break occurs, at which time the younger fencers can leave if they so wish. For the last hour fencers practice bouts with other fencers, and partake in one to one training sessions with an Instructor.
Doncaster Fencing Club has vacancies in all age groups; the club is very friendly – book with us now, or alternatively, just turn up and try out something new!

The Club meets on a Thursday evening 7.00pm to 9.00pm at The New College, Hurst Lane, Auckley, Doncaster, DN9 3HG.
Costs £5
We have coaches that have expertise in Epee, Foil, and Sabre fencing to level 3 standard.

Nick Wynn
Ian Law
Michael Black